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Autor Thema: Pay or not to pay  (Gelesen 9572 mal)

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Pay or not to pay
Autor: 23. August 2014, 21:55
Sorry Person A is better with English, so pay or not to pay?

"Person A" received a letter one month ago from this "mob", saying "A" should pay some 300+ eur in two weeks time or else ... so, of course, "A" didn't pay and two weeks are long gone!
What comes next?

"A" never made a contract with them, nor will "A" ever make a contract with them simply because "A" DOES NOT NEED, DOES NOT LIKE and DOES NOT WANT their services!

Actually "Person A" would like ZDF completely SHUT DOWN because its making more harm than good.

But hey, since "A" is a very nice guy, lets make a compromise: ZDF continues existing, and "A" continues not paying, deal?

BTW. Are you here all non-payers or just making protest noise and paying?
Is there a group of strict non-payers so we stick together in this till the end?


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  • IP logged  »Letzte Änderung: 24. August 2014, 00:39 von Bürger«

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  • ZahlungsVERWEIGERER. GrundrechtsVERTEIDIGER.
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Re: Pay or not to pay
#1: 24. August 2014, 00:25
It is not a question of "contract" or "no contract"!
Since 01-01-2013 it is law for every apartment, etc.

Whether a letter should be answered or not, depends on the kind of letter...
...and the intentions of the addressee ;)
If it contains a "Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung" (instruction on right to appeal), it may be advisable to react within the given deadline.

Especially important is the official "BeitragsBESCHEID" incl. aforementioned "Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung".
If this is not being objected within the given deadline, it basically becomes legally effective and can - in consequence - finally be enforced.

There is no easy way of not paying anymore!
Whoever wants to oppose it, will sooner or later have to deal with
- "Widerspruch" (objection) and
- "Klage" (legal action)
against it - or it will sooner or later be potentially enforced unless he/ she
- can claim a right of exemption or is
- willing to live a very minimalistic life
or - if not - is willing to
- become a dropout and/ or to constantly flee.
Not very good alternatives for everyone ;)

You and Person A may want to have to read and understand the basics first.
Unfortunately, we are not capable of providing the information in foreign language as well.

overview/ compendium:
Kurzüberblick über den regulären, "offiziellen" und legalen Weg von
Widerspruch & Klage gegen den sog. "Rundfunkbeitrag"

Ablaufschema/ Kurzübersicht - Anmeldung/ Bescheid/ Widerspruch/ Klage,10492.0.html

comprehensive link collection:
FAQ lite - Fragen und Antworten zu aktuellen Problemen,8309.0.html

By reading this and browsing the forum, you will realise, that many - if not the majority - of the people here, are strictly opposed to paying such a TV-fee and are determined to fight this unjust, unsocial and unconstitutional law up to the highest courts.

You may as well want to express your protest at
which is only one public documentation of the protest (only "the tip of the iceberg" ;) )

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Re: Pay or not to pay
#2: 24. August 2014, 01:19
Shortly: pay first - and then complain? :(

BTW. television-gang robbing people is becoming an epidemic. Its happening in other countries as well. We have to stop this madness.

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  • IP logged  »Letzte Änderung: 24. August 2014, 01:24 von sisoje«

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Re: Pay or not to pay
#3: 24. August 2014, 01:43
Shortly: pay first - and then complain? :(

It depends on *which* letters Person A has received so far...
...and on how confident Person A feels considering the legal ways of objection.

The "easiest" ("regular" and "legal") way of objecting is to
- not to pay
- wait for the aforementioned "BeitragsBESCHEID"
- object the "BeitragsBESCHEID" with a "Widerspruch" together with an
  "Antrag auf Aussetzung der Vollziehung" (in order to avoid payments before a final verdict)
- wait for the "WiderspruchsBESCHEID" and
- fight the "WiderspruchsBESCHEID" with a "Klage".

Please read aforementioned overviews carefully and try to understand the system and procedures.

Thank you + good luck.

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Re: Pay or not to pay
#4: 24. August 2014, 10:36
Shortly: pay first - and then complain? :(
Shortly: No
Company "Beitragsservice" will be thankful if you do.
If you react in any way (answering, pay, ....) you will approve your Adress and the receipt of the Company´s apply.
Better wait for the "Beitragsbescheid". Usually it takes time and some more letters.

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Re: Pay or not to pay
#5: 24. August 2014, 10:42
Better wait for the "Beitragsbescheid" [...]
...or check, if you have already received it - as I mentioned above.
In any way: Read, read, read... ;)

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  • Zwangsbeitrag = Diktatur pur
Re: Pay or not to pay
#6: 24. August 2014, 11:35
Why should people pay for something they never ordered? Also my suggestion: don't pay and go the legal way.

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Möge die Macht des Grundgesetzes Zwangsbeitrags-Imperien stürzen.

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Re: Pay or not to pay
#7: 24. August 2014, 11:45
Agreed, but on the other hand German citizens never ordered solidarity tax but we still have to pay for “Aufbau Ost” and that 23 years after the reunion.
Does that make sense?

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Re: Pay or not to pay
#8: 24. August 2014, 12:02
No, it surely does not make sense. Meanwhile even the solidarity tax should have been abolished. But that's again about responsible, fair-minded politicians and politics. Anyway, solidarity tax is not the topic here, so let's better stop at this point.

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Möge die Macht des Grundgesetzes Zwangsbeitrags-Imperien stürzen.

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  • Beiträge: 11.892
  • ZahlungsVERWEIGERER. GrundrechtsVERTEIDIGER.
    • Protest + Widerstand gegen ARD, ZDF, GEZ, KEF, ÖRR, Rundfunkgebühren, Rundfunkbeitrag, Rundfunkstaatsvertrag:
Re: Pay or not to pay
#9: 02. September 2014, 01:23
...just discovered one/ two threads, maybe interesting for our English speaking members ;)

Refusing to pay TV license fees (Rundfunkbeitrag)
Moral support for fellow conscientious objectors

New TV license fee, €17.98 a month from 01/2013
Formerly GEZ - now even TV non-owners asked to pay

Please remember though:
I, again, strongly warn about desinformation which seems to be unreflectingly spread there as well...
...especially concerning the false perception of the "Rundfunkbeitragsstaatsvertrg" as a "contract" or "simple information", rather than as an official law as mentioned above.

Maybe, though, it can explain one or the other fact much better in English than anyone of us could ever do :)

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