It is not a question of "contract" or "no contract"!Since 01-01-2013 it is
law for every apartment, etc.
Whether a letter should be answered or not, depends on the
kind of letter...
...and the intentions of the addressee

If it contains a
"Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung" (instruction on right to appeal), it may be advisable to react within the given deadline.
Especially important is the official
"BeitragsBESCHEID" incl. aforementioned
If this is not being objected within the given deadline, it basically becomes legally effective and can - in consequence - finally be enforced.
There is no easy way of not paying anymore!Whoever wants to oppose it, will sooner or later have to deal with
"Widerspruch" (objection) and
"Klage" (legal action)
against it - or it will sooner or later be potentially enforced unless he/ she
- can claim a right of exemption or is
- willing to live a very minimalistic life
or - if not - is willing to
- become a dropout and/ or to constantly flee.
Not very good alternatives for everyone

You and Person A may want to have to read and understand the basics first.
Unfortunately, we are not capable of providing the information in foreign language as well.
overview/ compendium:
Kurzüberblick über den regulären, "offiziellen" und legalen Weg von
Widerspruch & Klage gegen den sog. "Rundfunkbeitrag"Ablaufschema/ Kurzübersicht - Anmeldung/ Bescheid/ Widerspruch/ Klage,10492.0.htmlcomprehensive link collection:
FAQ lite - Fragen und Antworten zu aktuellen Problemen,8309.0.htmlBy reading this and browsing the forum, you will realise, that many - if not the majority - of the people here, are strictly opposed to paying such a TV-fee and are determined to fight this unjust, unsocial and unconstitutional law up to the highest courts.
You may as well want to express your protest at
Rundfunkbeitrag-Zahlungsstreik is only
one public documentation of the protest (only "the tip of the iceberg"
