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Autor Thema: 10 German Words You Don’t Want to Know  (Gelesen 1878 mal)

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10 German Words You Don’t Want to Know
Autor: 06. September 2018, 17:08        06.09.2018

10 German Words You Don’t Want to Know
Germany’s love for rules becomes apparent once you arrive at the airport and notice the line you’re supposed to stand behind while waiting for your suitcase to show up. Once you leave the airport, it may gradually start to dawn on you why is love sometimes synonymous with obsession.

We have chosen 10 German words that come from the field of bureaucracy. Chances are you don’t want to know them, but here there are anyway. You’ll thank us later.

Although the majority of Berlin’s inhabitants is way more likely to star on their own vlog than own a TV set, the Rundfunkbeitrag (a fee for broadcasting services) is not something that could be avoided with this line of argument. In case of any doubts, just speak to your landlord.
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