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Autor Thema: Why German taxpayers don't pocket their own cash until mid-July  (Gelesen 794 mal)

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  • ZahlungsVERWEIGERUNG! This is the way!, 15.07.2019

Why German taxpayers don't pocket their own cash until mid-July

What does an average household in Germany surrender to the state every year? According to new research, employees don't work for their own wallet until mid-July.

Germans have to give up more than half – 53.7 percent – of their income to the state in 2019.

Tax high in Germany
[…] In fact, Germans are particularly burdened when it comes to tax compared to other countries. A report by the OECD published earlier this year revealed that Germany is second only to Belgium when it comes to high tax rates. […]

In addition, there are other taxes such as property tax, motor vehicle tax, insurance tax – and even coffee tax. In addition, Germans also have to pay the electricity levy and the television licence fee contribution (Rundfunkbeitrag), which amounts to 0.7 cents per euro. […]

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