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Autor Thema: Pay or not pay > Datenbank erstellen zu Falschinformationen von ARD und ZDF?  (Gelesen 1550 mal)

  • Beiträge: 1

I´m Portuguese and i´m living in Germany for almost 3 years and i also receive all those letters and bills to pay this TV fraud.
I will skip all the arguments that i have against this law… and i´ll go direct to the point!

I also do NOT pay and i will continue not paying until i have no other choice.
… but lets face it: It´s a LAW!!!  and is very hard to go against a law and win, unless we can testify that the law is wrong.

My suggestion is (besides not paying):
Start compiling a database of lyings, biased and polarised information that this so called Public Service delivers to the people.

If it´s posible to prove that they are lying then the bases of this law Is DOOMED!!!
…that says:

“…Even if someone doesn't watch TV, or own a TV, that someone still lives in a society that is better informed, better connected, and better "culturally protected" because of public services. Everyone benefits, even if only indirectly, and therefore everyone should help fund it….”

So, if they are lying… they are contradicting their own bases… And it´s possible to win the cause.

It´s just a suggestion, i do not speak german but for those who speak, should be easy to find this disinformation, like this:

RussiaToday, veröffentlicht 18.02.2015 [Video ~2:30min]
German TV stations ZDF and ARD caught lying about Russian invasion to Ukraine

Main subjects:
and many many others…

Let´s start a database and sharing it?

The people power is not in voting or participate in those complots… but is in NOT paying what it´s unfair… :)

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  • IP logged  »Letzte Änderung: 15. November 2016, 02:21 von Bürger«

  • Beiträge: 4.011
Perhaps Person A should consider the following.

If person A receives a notification, which is recognizable by the words "Festsetzungsbescheid" or "Bescheid", then she can and should lodge an objection. You can write this objection in your own native language, even if the official language in Germany is German.
The Authority may require a translation from Person A. The authority must set a reasonable deadline. The deadline for the objection remains fulfilled if Person A delivers this translation within the deadline.

Schriftform § 23 VwVfG Amtssprache Deutsch,9767.0.html

Rechtlicher Hinweis: Beiträge stellen keine Rechtsberatung in irgendeiner Form dar. Sie spiegeln ausschließlich die persönliche Meinung des Verfassers wider. Weitere Infos: Regeln

  • IP logged  »Letzte Änderung: 15. November 2016, 02:29 von Bürger«

  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 11.801
  • ZahlungsVERWEIGERER. GrundrechtsVERTEIDIGER.
    • Protest + Widerstand gegen ARD, ZDF, GEZ, KEF, ÖRR, Rundfunkgebühren, Rundfunkbeitrag, Rundfunkstaatsvertrag:
Please read (already existing topic ;) )
Pay or not to pay,10792.msg73866.html#msg73866,10792.msg73871.html#msg73871
where I try to explain the very basics.

Regarding the database of misinformation:
The forum unfortunately does not have the capacities for discussing content of ARD & ZDF.
Instead, please consider
Ständige Publikumskonferenz e.V.

This thread will stay closed for the above reasons.
Thank you for your understanding.

Rechtlicher Hinweis: Beiträge stellen keine Rechtsberatung in irgendeiner Form dar. Sie spiegeln ausschließlich die persönliche Meinung des Verfassers wider. Weitere Infos: Regeln

  • IP logged  »Letzte Änderung: 09. August 2020, 03:26 von Bürger«
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