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Autor Thema: What is so Special about Karlsruhe?  (Gelesen 1763 mal)

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What is so Special about Karlsruhe?
Autor: 07. September 2016, 22:40
I apologize for not being able to write in your language very well. My last entry was not entered by myself.

I have to ask myself about one thing and that is why you Germans are all focusing your efforts on an organized fuss in Karlsruhe on a German national holiday? What kind of media coverage do you expect?  You efforts are likely to be as fruitful as a fart in a hurricane.
Why is there no talk about taking your protest(s) either individually or en masse to the front doors of the TV and radio stations? Why not let the employees of these leach-organizations  understand what it's like to be harassed on a constant bases, day-in and day-out?  Wouldn't that be more effective at getting your message out than by simply arguing aspects of German law at such a tenuous level? Even a child can see that the GEZ (or whatever they are now called) exhibits such arrogance and a sense of entitlement that it boggles the mind. Why not protest where the broadcasters actually have to deal with the repercussions of their own gluttonous ways?

Sorry that I had to write in English,  but there are more than just German speakers who find the extortionist actions of the GEZ completely outrageous, and many of us are in their cross-hairs as well and we have no voice. It would be nice to see some true action take place other than by fighting them on their own terms. 

The GEZ has to be the most bazaar and unjust aspect of German society.

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Re: What is so Special about Karlsruhe?
#1: 08. September 2016, 06:23
Hey :)

To give a short answer.
Germans are more like sheeps and most of them are still asleep on their pastures. But the day will come when they start to wake up. It might take awhile, but it will come.
It needs some sparks before the fire starts to burn and Karlsruhe is one of these sparks.

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